The 2022/23 growing season commenced with exceedingly high rainfall in the period prior to bud burst and leading up to flowering miraculously giving way to stable, warm and still conditions for the entirety of flowering.
Some isolated hail did fall during December around the O’Connell area leading to minor hail damage on grapes when they were between pea size and bunch closure.
Cool, yet dry and sunny growing conditions persisted up until all of the Chardonnay in the area had been harvested in mid March. As a result, Chardonnay harvested in the 2023 vintage from the Bathurst region is of exceedingly high quality.
Rain recommenced in late March and into April in three seperate and sizeable events. As such Shiraz and Cabernet harvests were significantly protracted.
With fruit high in quality and yields low, those who managed their crop loads were able to harvest some high quality, yet elegant and lower potential alcohol reds in the 2023 vintage.